Friday, July 25, 2008

Casso's Corner "CAN I TALK MY SHIT?!" < WATCH THIS!!!!!!!

This Blog Is Brought to you by Rap Act's Annonymous......"if you didn't sell dope, it's still cool to pretend" THUMBS UP AMERICA!

First and foremost i'd like to take my time out to say is the shit.....yeah i know half of this is gonna be blocked the fuck out so fuck it........suck my fucking dick lol.....

but back to the main thing i'm talking about here.....WTF is Going on?! you know Hip Hop and sales are at an all time low, only people making money is who......lil wayne?.....idk i'm sorry to all of you wayne lovers but he just annoyed the fuck out of me right about now.......theres a few other ones like.........plies........what is he saying?...............tyga..........ASS!.........But then you come across a nice group of artists like lets see........HCM!..........if ya didn't listen by's about that tim...................We're listening to you!...............damn i just got off of subject............Theres a lot of artists out there with great content and Good Music, but u know... a lot of motha fuckas would rather listen to.........Souljia boy........who ever the hell that guys name is that did get silly.......well anyway A$$!............i mean.......maybe it's me, just think it ain't hip hop .......mainstream that a song you felt come on the radio and thought it was a classic?..............oh don't worry i'll wait (lol)....................tell me if i'm wrong.

if it ain't hcm it ain't me..... - Inf 'CASSOOOOOOOOOOO'

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